Born in Sardinia (italy ) 06/25/1967 I fell in love with a bass guitar when Iwas a 12 years old boy.Graduate on M.I. Los Angeles in 1994 and U. M. Rome on 1997.I have an handicap on my right hand, due to a mistake by the doctors when Iwas six years hold, that prevent me to use all fingers.In effort to overcome my disability I worked hard on my own technique forplay like a normal people, just because the passion is stronger than... More
Born in Sardinia (italy ) 06/25/1967 I fell in love with a bass guitar when Iwas a 12 years old boy.Graduate on M.I. Los Angeles in 1994 and U. M. Rome on 1997.I have an handicap on my right hand, due to a mistake by the doctors when Iwas six years hold, that prevent me to use all fingers.In effort to overcome my disability I worked hard on my own technique forplay like a normal people, just because the passion is stronger than destiny.Musician and composer, session player with over 25 years exeperience formany artist in a live show, and studio session player for noumerous label andartist.My songs are insipired by all the different sounds I manage to extract frommy 6 strings basses including what may sound like a conventional guitar when iuse it as an harmonic instruments as oppose to a slap or a straight forwardfretless melodic one.I recorded three album at my own names.2012: “The Right Hand’s Miracle"2018: "New Stories Old Hands"2020: "3-ree" Less
Jazz, Jazz Fusion