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Title: This Side of One by XTeViON
Views: 1245

Third single from the 2009 album " voXal by XTeViON." Number 9 in the unfinshed 10CD set "XboxXx. ©2009 crookedmusic for crooked people.The lyrics are open for interpretation. What's it all about? Who cares. His life is like elastic He manages with ease The bastard was fantastic See what he used to be Hes mastered all the tactics of taking what he needs go where the grass is greener now go where the grass is green (This side of one one one) His sentence was suggestive and stuffed with words that bleed Subtract his plastic lecture and all thats left is seed go where the grass is greener now go where the grass is green (This side of one one one) One mans treasure is another mans treasure (This side of one one one) Two lives the price to pay One life the price will be Hope all them brides to be run when hes asked his question go where the grass is greener now go where the grass is green (This side of one one one) One mans treasure is another mans treasure We laughed at what just happened and wondered what it was that left us sweetly laughing We wondered what it was. go where the grass is greener now go where the grass is green (This side of one one one) One mans treasure is another mans treasure "music" and "lyrics"©2009 S.K.Patterson ©2010 crooked music