Reno, We Have a Problem

Reno, Nevada, United States

Title: Reno We Have A Problem
Views: 341

In the summer of 2010, Reno, We Have A Problem was formed in response to Chris and Logan being kicked out of another band for suggesting that, "Black Flag is a pretentious bullshit." Further affirming their mutual claim with: "Yeah, Henry Rollins' is fucking clown shoes." Three weeks, four days, and seventeen hours later, Foo Phlegming and Cory Smith joined the group. The four agreed that the only solution to a world filled with amazingly talented musicians who cared deeply about their craft was to demean it with songs about drinking, fighting, and fucking. In February of the following year (2011) the foursome began playing shows at bars that would soon close their doors permanently immediately after their performance. Never stopping to wonder, even for a moment, if this was a dubious consequence, the four proceeded to play every single weekend night for the next two years. A string of far-from near-miss singles, one completely unsuccessful album, three drummers and a new bass player later (the working title for the upcoming 2015 album), RWHAP stands proudly for all that is stale-beer by flickering neon-light mediocrity. "It's less important that we be technically 'talented' insomuch as we desire a train-wreck sense of captivation from spectators," they explained their expectations, further clarifying the band's governing goals and direction, "We'd rather put on a fun show than worry about looking cool." It is safe they accomplish neither. FOLLOW US ON/Siguenos en Twitter: Facebook: Instagram: