Plays: 174 Duration: Description: Control Is An Illusion - a film by Fernando Biagioni A documentary following Chris Wyatt Scott and 'the public shelter project' in ...
Plays: 177 Duration: Description: 'Twice Upon a Time' is an antique print of Florence, Italy with two modern additions (the Indian bridge and the Palace of Justice) ...
Plays: 226 Duration: Description: 'not meta' - Hand dyed appliqué on cotton long sleeve t-shirt. 9 Nov 2021. This is the first display in the window of my new studio in Florence, Italy.
Plays: 222 Duration: Description: This song was composed a few years ago as a stream of consciousness first take. Meaning: I sat down at the piano and started playing and this is what came out ...
Plays: 215 Duration: Description: Live from Sandy Creek. From 7th grade through high school I lived a few hundred feet from this spot. I have explored every inch of these woods. I have dodged ...